5 Easy Recipes To Get You Started On Your Plant-Powered Diet (2025)



August 08, 2013

Plant-Based Chef & Spiritual Guide

By Julie Piatt

Plant-Based Chef & Spiritual Guide

Julie Piatt aka “SriMati” is a plant-based chef, spiritual guide, and best-selling author of The Plantpower Way: Whole Food recipes and Guidance For the Whole Family.

5 Easy Recipes To Get You Started On Your Plant-Powered Diet (3)

August 08, 2013

When people find out that I’m a plant-based chef, they often express concern over the time and effort they believe they'll have to expend in order to eat healthy, tasty, plant-based meals. I’m going to let you in on a big secret: Eating healthy is easier than you think. And with a few basic recipes, you're going to find that food preparation the plant-powered way is fast and easy.

1. Super Green Blend

At the start, you just want to get ANY variety of dark leafy greens into your system. This will evolve and grow, and you'll add and combine many varieties along your plant-powered journey. The variations are endless! For now, though, I’m keeping it simple. A super-easy blend recipe contains only two ingredients (plus filtered water). That’s right: two.

In a blender, add 1 cup of fresh organic pineapple, three kale leafs (any variety) with the stalks removed, and finally three cups of filtered water.

Don’t want the sweet? Simply swap the fruit for organic cucumber, then add your kale and filtered water.

For another variation, add any kind of fruit, kale and coconut water.

By doing this daily, you're getting a great dose of phytonutrients that will support your body in optimum health. With kale, you're getting substantial amounts of vitamins K and A, plus manganese enzymes that help neutralize free radicals. Pineapple has a very high vitamin C content and can speed the healing of bruises.

2. Quick Tomato Sauce

This recipe is so easy to make! It yields a fresh, sweeter, more alive version to a traditional tomato sauce.


  • 2 cups organic cherry tomatoes, or any variety
  • handful of raw cashews
  • 1/8 cup organic olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt

In an iron skillet or wok, slightly blacken tomatoes on high heat — no oil. If the pan is very hot, it will sear the outside and seal in the juices. This should take just a few minutes. Don't overcook.

Transfer to a blender, add cashews, olive oil, and sea salt. Blend until smooth. Serve over your favorite pasta.

3. Raw Cookies

These cookies are supercharged with energy, and the kids love to help out with these. Prep time: 15 minutes or less.


  • ½ cup raw almonds, soaked overnight
  • ¼ cup cacao nibs
  • ¼ cup hemp seeds
  • 2 tablespoons cacao powder
  • ¼ cup shredded coconut
  • pinch large coarse Celtic sea salt
  • 4-5 soaked dates, pits removed


In a food processor, pulse almonds until mealy in texture.

Add cacao nibs, hemp seeds, cacao powder, shredded coconut and sea salt. Pulse until mixture is well incorporated.

With the motor running, add one date at a time, making sure you remove the pits before! After 4 or 5 dates, you'll see the mixture ball up on one side of the bowl. You may need to redistribute the mixture and process it again to make sure the dates are mixed in.

Form the cookies into 1-inch balls or squares. If desired, roll in hemp seeds or shredded coconut.

4. Kale Salad

This salad is a great one to take to work, as it holds up well. The dressing actually works on the leaves and makes them more tender and easy to digest. Massaging kale with the right intention can prove to be a powerful meditation practice!


  • 1 organic bunch of kale (any variety)
  • ½ cup raw pine nuts
  • 1 shredded raw carrot
  • 1 shredded raw beet


  • ½ cup of miso paste,
  • 1 tablespoon olive or grape seed oil,
  • juice of one lemon,
  • splash of apple cider vinegar,
  • small pinch of sea salt to taste
  • 1/8 cup of filtered water.

In a large salad bowl, prepare the dressing in the bottom of the bowl. Using a fork or a whisk, mix all the ingredients together. Adjust seasoning to taste.

Add the kale leaves, stalks removed, with leaves torn into smaller 2-inch sections. The leaves will reduce in size as they're tenderized by the dressing, so don’t make them too small.

Using your hands, start massaging the kale making sure to coat the leaves well.

When the kale has reduced in volume and the leaves are tender, add in the shredded carrot, shredded beat and raw pine nuts. Toss and serve!

5. Cleansing Beet Soup

We love this soup as support when we need to get back in balance and give our bodies a rest from digesting heavier foods. It’s great in colder climate or winter months.


  • 2 celery stalks with leaves
  • 2 medium beets, tops removed and skin on
  • 2 beet green stalks
  • 1 bunch cilantro with stems
  • 1 medium lime
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 dash cayenne pepper
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 cups filtered water
  • splash of apple cider vinegar


Chop all veggies into medium-sizecountry style pieces.

In a pot over medium heat, sautégarlic in olive oil. Add celery and stir until the colorbrightens.

Add beet greens, cilantro, lime,cayenne pepper and filteredwater. Before serving, add a splash of apple cider vinegar.

Simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Serve.

Bonus:Walnut Pate

This tastes surprisingly like a liver pate. Not that I'm trying to mimicmeat flavors, but I tasted the combo and it reminded me of being in France.Spread it on some warm bread fresh from the bakery.

  • 1/2 cup organic walnuts
  • 1/2 cup organic kalamata olives
  • 1 bunch organic cilantro
  • 2 tablespoons organic olive oil

This is a great spread to have on hand for sandwiches or appetizer.

Place all ingredients in a vitamix or food processor. Process and mix until mixture becomes creamy.If you use a vitamix, use the plunger to distribute the ingredients so they incorporate well.Use small amounts of water ; 1 tablespoon at a time to adjust consistency

Bon Apetite!

These recipes and more can be found in our Jai Seed e-cookbook and as part of the MBG's Ultimate Guide To Plant-Based Nutrition video course. All our recipes are offered in the spirit of fostering creativity and simplicity in preparation. Eating to live is both revolutionary and evolutionary. PLANTPOWERED isn't just a diet; it’s a movement into better health and realizing the best, authentic version of YOU, just the way nature intended.

Wishing you JAI, or Victory, in your life,

Julie Piatt

5 Easy Recipes To Get You Started On Your Plant-Powered Diet (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.