1. A Constant Process of Waking: The Millions Interviews Mira Jacob
Mar 19, 2019 · Then, I was stuck in a nursing home with my grandma in India—and in India, no one goes to nursing homes—and she was depressed and angry, and the ...
For all the pain in this book—I cried a ton—I did crack myself up an awful lot. I’d be up at three in the morning cackling feverishly.
2. Nicholas Wilder Forman — d r e a m b o y b o o k c l u b
Tamra puts her hand on my shoulder. “Why did you do it, Mira?” “I was just so angry?” “You don't know.”.
The park where I hung out in high school became a crater after a girl I knew screamed so loud. It blasted her and her radius to pieces and the neighbors said the dirt rained back down for five minutes. They thought it might be hail as it was also raining, and her scream just angry thunder. My girl friends took it upon themselves to play detective about it, I followed more like a reporter. I think it’s an easy role to fill into. You are allowed to be a creep down to a trench coat. First they interviewed me though, because none of them knew her in highschool. I met them at a party where I was pretending to be a girl two years ago. I felt really powerful with my muscles bleeding through my dress. It was raining then too. My full self comes out when it’s wet because I can slide around, in and outside my body. I like to dress up a lot.
3. Mira/Bear — Mirab3l au(m3gan au) or Anton!o Mirabel was upset...
Mira deeply loved him and there wouldn't be a time when they weren't apart. The other family was confused about why Anton!o was given to Camilo because at least ...
Mirab3l au(m3gan au) or Anton!o Mirabel was upset that she didn’t have anyone to hang out with. She didn’t have a gift so that meant she didn’t have friends and somewhat family. Mira was so alone...
4. Mira | She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man Wiki | Fandom
At this time, I was very upset that I couldn't return to the astringent old ... o chosen ones... Summoned skill: Valkyrie sisters''; Imitation- code G ...
Mira (ミラ) or Kagami Sakimori (咲森鑑) in real life, is the main protagonist of the web/light novel, manga, and anime, Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja. She is a player of the VRMMORPG Ark Earth Online and is the foremost expert in the area of Summoning Magic and one of the Nine Wise Men who reigned as the summoner's elder (top) and was involved in the founding of the Alkite Kingdom. Her former character, Dunbalf Gandadore (ダンブルフ・ガンダロール) is considered one of the most prominent summoning-class players
5. Rheumatoid arthritis patients' motivations for accepting or ...
When I read about all that stuff, I'm like, oh my god I don't want to take this stuff! ... One patient felt angry about developing RA: At first I was like ...
Patient refusal of and nonadherence to treatment with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) can adversely affect disease outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This qualitative study describes how RA patients’ feelings in response to ...
6. A Walk in Boerum Hill With Mira Jacob - by Isaac Fitzgerald
Feb 6, 2022 · When I'm walking home someone will say, “Oh, did you hear about the thing? ... You got upset too, remember? You can understand why it's ...
See AlsoMike De Beer Twitter"We're in a human experiment together."
7. Development of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Distress Scale (RADS)
Nov 16, 2021 · ... Oh you're suffering from depression,” because I think I'm not ... I feel frustrated because my RA symptoms limit my mobility. Not a ...
Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) may experience psychological distress (depression, anxiety) in addition to their physical symptoms. People with RA may also experience disease-specific distress (DSD), related to the specific burden of living with their life-long condition. DSD is a patient reported outcome in several long-term conditions, including type 1 and 2 diabetes. The aims of this study were to determine whether DSD is experienced by people with RA, and if so, develop a Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) to assess for DSD in people with RA. A five-phased qualitative study was conducted which consisted of a secondary data analysis of 61 interviews of people with rheumatological disease (Phase 1), validation of findings via a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group of people with RA (n = 4) (Phase 2), item generation for a PROM (Phase 3) and establishing face and content validity of the PROM via PPI group (n = 4) and individual cognitive interviews (n = 9) of people with RA respectively (Phase 4 and 5). The final PROM was presented at a Patient Education Evening for patients with long-term rheumatological conditions, including RA, and carers. Five themes of rheumatological disease distress emerged from Phase 1, which were validated in the Phase 2 PPI group. After Phases 3–5, the Rheumatoid Arthritis Distress Scale (RADS) was formed of 39 items and 3 supplementary questions. Overall participants reported the content of the RADS to be clear and relevant, and...
8. oh, my dreams
Especially now he knows why Buck's upset. And it makes sense. He gets it. Because if Eddie had to find out something had happened to Buck through a game of pass ...
it's never quite as it seems
9. SAHIH BUKHARI, BOOK 70: Patients - IIUM
He said to him "O Sad! Have you not heard what Abu Hubab (i.e. ... Oh my head!' I felt like sending for Abu Bakr and his son, and appoint him ...
Volume 7, Book 70, Number 544:
10. Thanksgiving and Getting – MIRA
MIRA is also embarking on a new venture to benefit our Michigan members. Many of our liquor store members have contacted us upset about the Michigan Liquor ...
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE // NOVEMBER 2014 BOTTOM LINE What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? We all have so much to be thankful for and so much we take for granted…